Posts by ®oby :
Hello, Cherniakians, CalGrits, and other Censored Bloggers
Well, if you got to this GenZel! instead of the old GenZel! as per my signature in the past, it’s because “Cherniak on Politics”, “The Calgary Grit,” (or possibly another blog) does not allow me to be under my old non-blogger cloak.
So, if you are looking for the old Roby, I have had to go back to ®oby, my old sig from when I was even more of a geek than I am now.
However, Generation Zel! Radio is right here. And we still allow anonymous comments. In fact, you are being redirected there right now…
Sober Second Thoughts
You know, sometimes you feel like you are totally out of control of your own destiny, and realize "HOLY SHIT…. I'm just a mere flatulence in the bumhole of life." Or something like that. I have had a hell of a couple of weeks on the home front that have shaken me up a bit, and made me realize just that.
Last week, one of my best buddies lost his little brother. He was only 19. Nineteen! Not only was I totally stricken with grief, and sorrow for their whole family; It made me really see how lucky I am, at 25 26 just to be walking on this crusty lil planet. He had just finished highschool, didn't get to see college or start a family, anything of that sort. It hit me hard.
And today, I almost got hit hard myself. On the way home from Niagara, I was making my turn onto Scott Street when I hear loud screeching behind me. While completing my turn I see a ford truck skidding across the highway, do a 360, and flip into the ditch.
(Now for those wondering how that gentleman is, as far as I know he's okay, just a few cuts and a little shock. He climbed out of the truck and walked around on his own.)
But I thought about it a little bit when I got over the shock of watching that happen. Obviously he wasn't paying attention and had I hesititated at all at that intersection or had there been oncoming traffic, I would have been hit hard for sure (Hwy #3 is 80km/h there and thats always well exceeded there) and would have been in the hospital or worse. So! Let's just say the Big JC must be looking out for me, because that could have well been my last minute, or more likely, my last minute of being able to totally use my body.
So if you are breathing and walking around today, and if you are able to use everything correctly and without pain and suffering (real pain – not some bitchy "ooh my muscles are sore" or "fuck what a hangover") then remember that it could change in a minute. Thank the deity of your choice!
Had to get that out. Roby.
Finally a player that WORKS
For those of you who lack the winamp, I've finally got a standalone player that is working properly.
It's simple, but you have to click "yes" when the java screen prompts you. It loads a decent skin. If anyone can get it to load an even better skin, please let me know how.
This way, now you can listen at work, at home, while you are bitchslapping your hoes….. anywhere. Enjoy!!
As originally posted on Generation Zel! Radio.
Baker’s News Bulletin
For those of you wanting to hear Burns and I make fun of Baker, but don't listen to Generation Zel! Radio (shame on you all! Fags!) Here is the infamous clip playing on Gen Zel! now….
We had to, Bake. It's too damn funny.
Version 2 on it's way.
Hey, what are you thankful for on this holiday? Since Thanksgiving comes today in Canada, I thought I'd share a few things I know I'm thankful for.
I mean I could pick the usuals. I'm thankful for family, for a loving girlfriend, for the Norfolk fair…… but no. Those are things other people would be thankful for. As for me..
I'm thankful for the fact that New Orleans is getting back to business. you know, the business of beating up arrestees, then assaulting a reporter filming it.
I'm thankful for Coors Light, and Milwakee's Best, even though I drink neither.
I'm so thankful for the FBI Cracking down on bad bad pr0nography.
That is all.. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
As originally posted on Generation Zel! Radio
This and That
Well let's start off with this afternoon's linky-trash. Seattle is considering banning lap dances entirely. This will lead to pranks such as this one pulled by a guy who owns a tavern in England….
The Green Bay Packers are NFL's dumbest team. This is not to be confused with Roby's TFL Gilbertville Packers, nor the Gilbertville Baseball Packers, both of which are strugglling, but are not 0-3…
Here's some good news. Finally, a teacher points the finger at why the bad kids in school are how they are. The Parents. It's about time.
Okay, so… Richie celebrated his 26th birthday weekend by drinking and acting retarded.
Here's Richie with his awesome and very tolerant girlfriend.
At the London Arms they give you 3 – 3 1/2 shots per fishbowl. Mmmm rye and coke in a fishbowl.
Here's Richie singing his signature title, "Baby Got Back." I must say, it was not my best rendition, but it was good. I was dissapointed with the lack of ass shakin' but there was not the participative crowd *shrugs*
That and I selected the wrong Barbie girl. So I couldn't do the male and female parts BUT! Still a good demo for Dana. Who was pretty
horrified satisfied with my performance. Yeahhhh…..
Remember. Watch Porn = Bad. The FBI is watching.
Originally posted on Generation Zel! Radio. Comment here, or on the official site.
The FBI is cracking down on pr0n…. stop it now.
Well with hurricance Rita and Katrina smashing the US, terrorism rampant, nuns being mistaken for Osama Bin Laden's covert agents, and the like, the FBI is busy these days. But apparently not busy enough that they can't tackle a huge US menace. Pr0n. The FBI is taking recruits now. To hunt down pr0n.
"The new squad will divert eight agents, a supervisor and assorted support staff to gather evidence against "manufacturers and purveyors" of pornography — not the kind exploiting children, but the kind that depicts, and is marketed to, consenting adults." This is the Washington Post folks, I didn't make this shit up. Here in Canada we make sure we crack don on that child garbage, but apparently they don't have to do that in the U.S. Instead, they'll target….. Ron Jeremy?
Wow. I'm so glad they thought of this. Even the FBI's own agents can't help but laugh about this one. Me niether!
To celebrate, over the next few days, I'll be featuring "FBI Pr0n Squad" material on my posts, courtesy of the Fark Squad. Each image will link to the babe of the day. Good, family, non-pornographic entertainment.