Twiztid Bring Their Brand Of Horrorcore To Brantford
Twiztid Bring Their Brand Of Horrorcore To Brantford
Detroit hip-hop duo Twiztid are about to invade Brantford, as they kick off their Canadian tour at Club NV on Friday, March 25th, 2016. The group, which consists of rappers Jamie Madrox and Monoxide, are a theatrical rap group that incorporates elements of horror and rock with their motor mouthed raps. Twiztid has toured all over the world and even collaborated with Canadian hip-hop legends Swollen Members, but are coming back to the Telephone City for the second time.
Twiztid just released their new album “The Darkness”, through their own label Magik Ninja Entertainment, and BScene caught up with the group to talk about their performance in town and what fans can expect.
BScene: This is your second time playing Brantford, Ontario. What did you think of the city and what brings you back for another show?
Monoxide: Well, the first time we played Brantford was because we wanted to play anywhere that would have us. The second time is because we’re looking for Wayne Gretzky and what better way to find him then start snooping around his old stomping grounds. We have prepared an amazing gift basket in case we run into him. Summer sausage, weird cheeses, and I think a pack of ink pens were some of the things included in said basket.
Madrox: Much like any other city we get to play, we never really get a chance to see any sights so to speak, or get to partake in local goings-on. That said, we promised the #FAM that came out to see us before, that we would be back again and we keep our word; and we in fact are coming back!
BScene: The show at Club NV in Brantford is part of “The Juggalo Invasion Tour”. Give us some insight as to what a Juggalo is and the acts that will be performing with you on this tour. Why did you choose them?
Monoxide: A Juggalo is all about individuality and the shunnings that go with it. What I mean by that is, just because we’re not considered the norm, we are judged and ridiculed without others finding what’s really at our core. Its become a brother and sisterhood that is rivaled by none. The line-up for “The Juggalo Invasion Tour” consists of some of the best examples of what this movement symbolizes. There’s different acts for different cities. It’s the first time in Canada for some of these guys and we’re glad we could get them over here.
Madrox: To us, being a Juggalo is about embracing your individuality, and really not caring about conforming or changing who or what you are to fit in with a certain group or faction. In our #FAM we accept everyone no matter your race, sex, nationality, colour, or creed. Ya dig? As far as the acts that will be joining us on the “The Juggalo Invasion Tour” there’s Blaze Ya Dead Homie, Lex The Hex Master, and Boondox. We’re happy to bring them along with us on any tours; this one included, as they’re all just like family to us. A very important factor about touring is being able to get along well with each other. So yes, I believe we chose wisely.
BScene: You’ve toured Canada a few times now, how do American and Canadian audiences differ?
Monoxide: When it comes to “the family”, there really is no difference. The pits are still crazy, they know every word, know how to have a good time wherever we are, and you can’t ask for much more than that as an artist. I will say the set times are immensely different in Canada as opposed to here in the States. In the States, if we go on after 11 pm we consider that a late show, but in Canada we don’t go on until 1 or 2 in the am, so that’s a big difference.
Madrox: Right off the top of my head, there is only one noticeable difference. The shows are considerably later time-wise. For example: we will play a Friday in America at like 11pm, whereas in Canada we will go on stage on a Friday at like 2am, lol. The #FAM has the same energy, chantin’, screamin’, jumpin’, moshin’ and whatnot, no matter where we are. That’s just how the #FAM do and we love them for it!
Bscene: What can fans expect when they see Twiztid’s live show?
Monoxide: If you have never seen us then you will be privy to the greatest thing you’ve never heard of. If you’ve seen us before than get ready!
Madrox: The #FAM and newcomers alike can expect to see me and my brother Monoxide give 110% when we perform live! We don’t phone sh*t in, we’re not the lame, just-standing-there-with-a-microphone, run-of-the-mill rap guys. That’s just not us! We bring the wicked sh*t and we leave it all on stage for the ones who have come out to rep with us.
BScene: What’s the biggest misconception about Twiztid?
Monoxide: That we’re evil.
Madrox: Ummm… we are space aliens from another dimension that only wear make up to cover the fact that we are not human; that and we are pagans that worship demons and drink blood. NOT TRUE. .ALL OF IT, NOT TRUE; except for the drinking blood part. Yeah… we drink blood!
Submitted By Tyler Mitchell