Clean Comedy is what Brantford asked for, and Upstanding Comedy delivers.
Clean Comedy is what Brantford asked for, and Upstanding Comedy delivers.
Each of these comedians work clean which is so wonderful because you’re safe to bring your children and grandparents to any of #TheCircuitLive shows.
“The Circuit Live” is a monthly comedy show touring Southern Ontario. The Real Timmy Boyle, being the generous soul that he is, thought it would be a wonderful idea to coach upcoming comics and created “The Circuit Live”. This six city touring show allows new comics to practice their material and work with Timmy for instruction. Evan Dunne is an excellent example of improving his performance. Previously, he’d be quick on stage, but this time, he slowed down which worked perfectly for him. Well done!
If you’re new to comedy and work clean, you may want to contact Timmy for more information. (I think a clean comedian has more opportunity in their future to book larger shows.)
Ticket prices are $15.00 at the door, or $12.00 in advance. to get more information.
Timmy is currently searching for sponsors! Your cost? $250.00 for a whole year of advertising. That’s a great deal.
So why would you want to attend The Circuit Live comedy show? Because you’re guaranteed to laugh. I promise you will. The shows begin with amateur acts, the ones that Timmy is coaching. There are 4 acts in total: Timmy, (your host), 2 amateurs, then a feature act (headliner). Typically shows are held within a church, although Timmy is open to other locations. If you have a inexpensive theatre that seats 100-250 people (anywhere in Southern Ontario), I’m certain Mr. Boyle would love to hear from you!
Due to summer’s awesome weather, and tons of activities taking place, the audience tonight was low, (about 40 people). Normally, 85 or more show up, and these numbers grow each month. September is their next scheduled appearance in Brantford, Barrie, Guelph, Belleville, Sarnia, and Chatham. With six locations, #TheCircuitLive intends to expand!
I had a lovely time listening and capturing these special moments. You have the opportunity to purchase tickets at a discounted price at the end of the shows, and it’s a great value! Two tickets for $18.00 equals $9.00 each. That’s a low price for the 120 minutes of live performance you’ll get.
If you’re interested to see comics that work clean, (no swearing, no sexual content, no offensive jokes), THIS IS the comedy tour to follow.
Submitted by: Luvern Mornin
To see more of her work please visit: Back Of The Room Photography