BScene by Dean: Roots Revival Concert Series at The Station Coffee House And Gallery
BScene by Dean: Roots Revival Concert Series at The Station Coffee House And Gallery
I spent the afternoon at The Station listening to some of the best live blues music around. This pair of gentlemen hail from way down south around Simcoe and spent some time with us before moving on. They are going by the name The Sharp Dogs because it seemed like a good idea at the time and they’re sticking with it.
Now, if you ever come across this pair playing anywhere, make sure you take the time to stop and listen. You won’t regret it at all. Thom is the vocalist/guitarist and Bob seems to be guitarist/protagonist for Thom. The music is great, the stories and banter are fun, and the whole thing is entertaining. Once again it was another great bit of music for
The Stations Roots Revival Concert Series.
Coming up at The Station:
February 7th- David Lum
February 14th- Lusterfield
February 21st- Outside the box
February 28th- Leonard Burns and Dell (Special guest Glenn Bowie)
March 6th- Adam Gesjorskyj
March 13th- Kyle Pacey (CD Release)
March 20th- Janice Jo Lee (CD Release)
Submitted by: Dean Ellis
To see more of Dean’s work, please visit:DellisartPhotographix